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《灵界经历》 第2073节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2073

2073. This shows what the mental images are like of those who mingle falsities with truths, and profanities with holy matters, for whatever is in the mental image is at once called forth, thus profanity in something holy, which horrifies good spirits and angels, and falsities in truths. For most of the content of the mental imagery is called forth, whereupon evil spirits defile it even more, making it appear entirely wicked, so that good spirits and angels flee from the sight of such an image. For they are gifted with the ability to look right into every single mental image and to see its quality, and hence they are enabled to know what a person, or what a soul, is like. 1748, 25 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2073

2073. Hence it is manifest of what quality are the ideas of such as have mingled the false with the true, and the profane with the sacred; for whatsoever is in the idea is immediately evoked, as, for instance, the profane in what is sacred; at which good spirits and angels are horror-struck, as also the false in what is true: for the chief part of such things as are in ideas are evoked, and evil spirits do defile them still more, so that they appear so utterly abominable, that they fly the view of such an idea: for to good spirits and angels is granted the faculty of viewing single ideas as to their quality, and hence it is given them to know of what quality is man or the soul. - 1748, May 25.

Experientiae Spirituales 2073 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2073. Exinde constare potest, quales sunt ideae eorum, qui falsa immiscuerunt veris, et prophana sanctis, nam quicquid inest ideae, evocatur illico, ita prophanum in sancto, quod horrent boni spiritus et angeli, ac falsa in veris, nam plurima pars eorum quae insunt ideis evocantur, et mali spiritus adhuc magis inquinant, sic ut appareat prorsus ut nefandum, ut [illi] fugiant conspectum ideae talis; spiritibus enim bonis et angelis datur copia intuendi ideas singulas, quales sunt, et inde scire iis datur, qualis homo, seu anima. 1748, 25 Maj.

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