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《灵界经历》 第2137节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2137

2137. From the Speech of spirits, all Languages derive their origin

Spirits, when speaking with anyone, speak in that person's language as if it were their mother tongue, and do not know otherwise than that they had been born in that land and been brought up in that language. It is as if it were their mother tongue, and they do not know better unless they are allowed to reflect back.

So spirits from Europe and other parts of the earth who had died several thousand years ago, have spoken with me in my language, which they knew as well as I did, unaware that it was my mother tongue and thus belonged to a foreign region, until this was told them.

In fact, if the Lord so wishes, they speak much more accurately and rapidly than one native to that region and raised in that language, as I as well have experienced.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2137


(Spirits, whenever they speak, with whatever persons, speak the language of such as if it were their own [vernacula], nor do they know other than that they were born in their land, and educated in that language. It is, as it were, their own tongue [vernacula], nor do they know differently, unless reflection is given them. Thus such as had lived in Europe and other parts of the earth, and had died some thousands of years before, spoke with me in my language, with which they were as well acquainted as I myself. They were not aware that it was my vernacular, therefore belonged to another region, before they were told; yea, if it is the Lord's good pleasure, they can speak a language much more correctly and fluently than one born in that region and educated in the language. This was also a matter of my personal experience.

Experientiae Spirituales 2137 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2137. Quod ex Loquela spirituum omnes Linguae trahant suam originem

Spiritus, cum quocunque loquuntur, lingua eorum, sicut vernacula, loquuntur, nec sciunt aliter ac quod nati in terra, et educati in lingua ista fuerint, est eorum quasi vernacula, nec aliter sciunt, nisi daretur iis reflexio, ita qui in Europa, et in aliis partibus terrae 1

, qui ante aliquot mille annos mortui, mecum loquuti sunt lingua mea, quam tam bene ac ego sciverunt, nescientes quod vernacula mea, sic alius regionis, priusquam id iis dictum; imo si Domino beneplaceat, multo accuratius, et citius [loquuntur], quam qui natus in regione, et educatus in lingua, quod expertus quoque.


1. The Manuscript has terra ut apparet

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