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《灵界经历》 第2151节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2151

2151. Thus the matter had been tested, that it was not permitted them to go beyond certain limits, which are the limits of permission, and that such boundaries exist so that nothing is ever permitted except what can be bent by the Lord toward good. Apart from permission, thus an apparent freedom, they could hardly live.

The spirits, extremely indignant because of the repeated experience on this subject, admitted that they cannot go beyond these limits. Yet they still persist in their assertion, because they are the kind of spirits who are of the opinion that they can do everything by their own power.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2151

2151. Wherefore the matter was confirmed that they are not permitted to go beyond fixed limits, which are limits of permission, and that the limits are such that never is anything permitted, but what is turned into good by the Lord. Without permission, thus without what appears liberty to themselves, they could scarcely live. The spirits were exceedingly indignant at the multiplied experience [on this head], and confessed that they saw they could not go beyond. Yet they do still persist therein, because they are such spirits as think they can effect everything from themselves.

Experientiae Spirituales 2151 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2151. Quare res comprobata erat, quod iis non permittatur ultra ire, quam ad certos limites, qui sunt limites permissionis, et quod limites tales sint, ut nnsquam aliquid permittatur, nisi quod in bonum a Domino flectitur 1

; absque permissione, sic sibi visa libertate, vix potuissent vivere; spiritus maximopere indignati, ab experientia multiplicata, fassi sunt, quod videant, quod ultra ire nequeant, sed usque in eo persistunt, quia tales spiritus, ut opinentur se ex semet omnia posse.


1. The Manuscript has forte flectatur

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