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《灵界经历》 第2153节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2153

2153. It has even been granted me at times to hold them within certain limits, and to compel them to think, speak and act as if by my power, and they were unable to wander beyond them, but had to think, speak and do what came from me.

By this experience it was made clear to me, that spirits and people on earth cannot do the least thing of themselves, even though they seem to from their own power. And if spirits did not seem to themselves as if they did, then all the enjoyment of their life, and seemingly life itself, would perish. This spirits just wanted me to add, then begging that they be left in freedom, yet within such limits as it pleased the Lord to set. They are good spirits whose words these are. 1748, 31 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2153

2153. Yea, it was also granted me occasionally to hold them within fixed limits, and compel them to think, speak, and act, as it were, from myself and they could by no means wander beyond, but were obliged to think, speak, and do the same thing that came from me, so that it was manifest to me from experience that spirits and men cannot effect the least thing from self though they seem to act of themselves; and if spirits did not appear to themselves to act from self all of their delight, and, as it were, life, would perish. The spirits are now desirous that I should add this, therefore beseeching that there may be left them license, but within such limits as suits the Lord's good pleasure. They are good spirits who use these words. - 1748, May 31.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2153 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2153. Imo mihi quoque passim dabatur tenere eos intra certos limites, et adigere ad cogitandum, loquendum et agendum quasi ex me, et nequicquam potuerunt ultra vagari, sed idem cogitare, loqui, et agere tenebantur, quod ex me veniebat, sic ut experientia mihi manifesta sit, quod ne hilum ex se possint spiritus et homines, tametsi videantur ex semet: et si non viderentur sibi ex semet, spiritus, tunc omne 1

vitae eorum delectamentum, et quasi vita periret, hoc voluerunt nunc spiritus, ut adderem, sic precantes ut relinqueretur iis licentia sed intra limites, intra quos Domino beneplacet, sunt boni spiritus, quorum hae voces sunt. 1748, 31 Maj.


1. The Manuscript has omnis

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