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《灵界经历》 第2179节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2179

2179. When I was held in that mental image, the societies that were far off were being dispersed. They complained about this, thinking that all was lost, as is usual when such a thing occurs. But I saw by a spiritual mental image that now for the first time they were being joined more closely together according to the law of order, and that if not broken up in this way, they are not joined together according to the laws of order. For the Spirit of the Lord brings all things back into order from within, or as it appears, from above. So they must by all means be reduced to order, as was clearly seen by me in a spiritual mental image. 1748, 3 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2179

2179. While I was kept in such an idea, the societies were dispersed and put at a distance, whereat they complained, supposing that everything would perish, as is usual when such a thing occurs. But I saw by a spiritual idea that then were they first conjoined rather according to the law of order, and that without such dissolution they could not be conjoined according to the laws of order; for the spirit of the Lord reduces all things to order from the interior, or, as it appears, from the superior. Thus are they to be quite reduced to order. This was plainly seen by me in spiritual idea. - 1748, June 3.

Experientiae Spirituales 2179 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2179. Cum in tali idea tenerer, tunc dissipabantur societates, quae longinquae, quod conquestae, putantes quod totum periret, ut solet, dum tale existit, sed idea spirituali vidi, quod tunc primum conjungerentur magis ad legem ordinis, et quod absque dissolutione tali non secundum leges ordinis conjungantur, nam Spiritus Domini omnia redigit in ordinem, ab interiori, seu ut apparet ex superiori, sic omnino in ordinem redigendi, quod idea spirituali manifeste visum mihi. 1748, 3 Junius.

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