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《灵界经历》 第2229节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2229

2229. Spirits fly up to one, like the eagle, as we read of nations

While reading Deuteronomy 28:49, that a nation flies as an eagle, I recalled something that has often occurred, namely that spirits appear instantaneously, as if they fly up to one, even if they were a long way off, "at the end of the earth," as we read. For no matter where they are in the world, they appear at once as present, some even very near, at the ear, at the back, within the body, being most swiftly at hand, and most closely, wherever they had lived in the world, even on other planets. For near and nearest is a fallacy of the senses, as can be shown from sight and hearing, and from the fact that space does not exist in spiritual things, nor does time.

To the eye, there is no space between itself and the sun, which would appear as if in the eye if it were not revealed by objects in between, as well as by sure knowledge, that space intervenes. Therefore I have spoken at times with spirits about this subject, who wanted to draw conclusions about presence on the basis of the appearance, and would not easily believe anything except as it appears. Yet there are countless fallacies of the senses which must be shaken off before the truth can come forth. 1748, 7 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2229


When it was read in Deut. 28:49 that a nation [gens] flieth like an eagle, I remembered occurrences which had often happened, to wit, that spirits are made to appear [sistantur] in a moment, and thus fly as it were, although they were afar off, and at the end of the earth, as is read, for wherever they are in the world they are made to appear immediately as present, yea, some of them very near [proxime] to the ear, to the back, and within the body. So that they are present very quickly and very near [proxime], no matter where they had lived in the world, yea [those] who [had lived] in other worlds [telluribus], for it is a fallacy of the senses [sensus] that [they are] near and very near, as may be apparent from sight and hearing, as well as because space is not in spirituals, and likewise time neither. Inasmuch as there is no space to the eye between itself and the sun, which would appear as if in the eye, did not obvious things manifest the truth [id] and the knowledge that space intervenes, I [therefore] did sometimes discourse with spirits about these things. They were willing to conclude the presence from the appearance, and not readily to believe anything unless it, as it were, appears, and yet there are indefinite fallacies of the sense which must be shaken off else the truth can never come forth. - 1748, June 7.

Experientiae Spirituales 2229 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2229. Quod advolent spiritus, sicut aquila, ut legitur de gentibus

Cum legeretur Deut. XXVIII: 49 quod gens advolat sicut aquila, recordatus sum eorum quae saepe contigerunt, quod nempe spiritus sistantur momento, et sic quasi advolent, quamvis essent e longinquo, ac "a fine terrae," ut legitur, nam ubicunque sunt in terrarum orbe, sistuntur illico ut praesentes, imo quidam proxime, ad aurem, ad tergum, intus in corpore, sic ut citissime adsint, et proxime, ubicunque vixerunt in orbe, imo qui in aliis telluribus, nam fallacia sensus est, quod prope, et proxime, sicut a visu et auditu constare potest, tum [ex eo,] quod spatium non sit in spiritualibus, sicut nec tempus; cum nec spatium sit oculo inter se et solem, qui appareret sicut in oculo, nisi obvia id manifestarent, et cognitio, quod intercedat spatium, de iis cum spiritibus quandoque loquutus sum, qui ex apparentia voluerunt concludere praesentiam, nec facile credere quicquam, nisi sicut apparet, cum tamen indefinitae fallaciae sensuum sint, quae nisi discuterentur, nusquam veritas prodire potest. 1748, 7 Junius.

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