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《灵界经历》 第2242节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2242

2242. Then there appeared to me in a quite lucid waking vision a kind of long ovary, consisting of multiple eggs, yellowish-red in color, which someone had vomited, rapidly, in a long chain-there were indescribably many in that chain. These eggs thus spewed out in a chain remarkably sticking together symbolized that poisonous substance that is called (Etter 1), belonging to dragons, that appeared to me in a waking vision.


1. Swedish for "venom."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2242

2242. Then appeared to me, in a wakeful vision that was very clear, a sort of continuous ovarium, of numerous [multiplicatis] eggs, of a fiery red color [rubentivus flave], cast forth [evomuit] by something [quis] in a continued series, with rapidity, so many, and arranged in that series, as cannot be described. These eggs, thus cast forth, and wonderfully aggregated [glomerata] in series, signified that poison which is called [Etter], thus the poison of dragons. These things appeared to me in a waking vision.

Experientiae Spirituales 2242 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2242. Tunc mihi in visione vigili admodum clara apparuit continuum quoddam ovarium, ex ovis multiplicatis, rubentibus flave, quod quis evomuit multa serie, cum velocitate, ita multa et in ea serie, ut describi non possit, quae ova sic evomita et in serie mirabiliter glomerata, significarent tale venenum quod vocatur (Etter {b}), sic draconum, quae apparebant mihi in vigili visione.

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