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《灵界经历》 第2249节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2249

2249. Besides this, there is a kind of reflection in a person on earth, a soul, a spirit, and an angel, of which they are unaware and which they do not observe, as when they are in a state of peace, of innocence regarding bodily matters, or in a state of ignorance, and the like: then there is this reflection in regard to the tiniest details to which they pay no attention whatever, yet on which are imprints useful to them in the other life, and conducive to their happiness. This is an inner reflection, unknown to a person on earth, like the inward memory, or like a person's regeneration; and these reflections are gifts of the Lord Alone.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2249

2249. Further, reflection is given to man, soul, spirit, and angel, which they are not aware of and do not observe. Such as they possess in a state of peace and innocence, in corporeals, in a state of ignorance, and the like, as also in [their] minutest [particularissimis] things, to which they do not pay any attention [ne hilum attendunt] by which are impressed what [is suitable] to them in the other life, and conduces to their felicity. This reflection is interior, unknown to man, as is the case with the interior memory, and with his regeneration. This reflection is the gift of the Lord alone.

Experientiae Spirituales 2249 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2249. Praeterea datur reflexio, penes hominem, animam, spiritum, et angelum, quam non norunt, et quam non observant, sicut quod [sint] in statu pacis, innocentiae, in corporibus, in statu ignorantiae, et similibus, tum in particularissimis, ad quae ne hilum attendunt, quibus imprimuntur ea, quae eis in altera vita et ad felicitatem eorum conducunt, haec reflexio est interior, homini incognita, sicut est memoria interior, et sicut est ejus regeneratio; quae reflexiones a Solo Domino donantur.

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