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《灵界经历》 第2255节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2255

2255. But with the body laid aside or the outside shed when such persons become spirits, then it is entirely apparent what they were like inwardly, or in their thoughts-what passion they had harbored, what insanity. For there, they cannot pretend; it is forbidden. If one dissembles, it is seen at once, and one is thrown out of the group. Therefore, when only insanities dominate in one's thoughts, then upon coming into the world of spirits, one is such as one's thoughts are. So the world of spirits consists of nothing but insanities. One hatefully pursues another, and would destroy the other in a moment. Hatred and discord are so regnant that they get their highest enjoyment from them.

Because of this, everyone can understand, since there are so many myriads of spirits like this, that if the Lord did not control the universe, a most deplorable state would result for all departing this life, and consequently for the human race, which is ruled by the Lord through spirits.

These words were spoken and written in the presence of spirits, who are remaining silent. 1748, 8 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2255

2255. But when the body is deposited, or these externals thrown off [as], when he becomes a spirit, then does it fully appear what is his quality inwardly, or in his thoughts; with what cupidity endued, with what insanity, for there they cannot simulate; this is forbidden. If he should simulate, it is straightway perceived, and he is cast out of company. Wherefore since only insanities rule man in his thoughts, he is of such quality when he comes into the world of spirits, so that the world of spirits consists of mere insanities, one of whom pursues the other with hatred, and would destroy him in a moment; hatreds and discords rule to such an extent, that hence they receive their chief delights. From this anyone could perceive that, since there are so many myriads of such spirits, if the Lord did not rule the universe, there would be a most wretched state with all who depart this life, consequently with the human race, which is ruled by the Lord through spirits. These things are said and written in the presence of spirits who are silent. - 1748, June 8.

Experientiae Spirituales 2255 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2255. At deposito corpore, seu externis iis exutis, dum fit spiritus, tunc prorsus apparet qualis fuit intus, seu in cogitationibus suis, qua cupiditate praeditus, qua insania, nam ibi simulare non possunt, hoc vetitum, si dissimularet illico percipitur et e consortio dejicitur, quare cum solum insaniae regant hominem in cogitationibus suis, talis est, quum in mundum spirituum venit, sic ut mundus spirituum constet meris insaniis, quarum unus alterum odio persequitur, et momento perderet, odia et dissidia in tantum regnant, ut inde delectamenta summa capiant: ex his quisque percipere possent 1

, cum tot myriades spirituum talium sint, si Dominus non regeret universum, quod miserrimus status omnium e vita excedentium foret, consequenter humani generis, quod a Domino per spiritus regitur; haec spiritibus praesentibus dicta et scripta, qui silent. 1748, 8 Junius.


1. sic manuscript; vide praefationem hujus editionis sub capite "Idiosyncrasies"

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