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《灵界经历》 第2329节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2329

2329. Where all objects of thought come from, both from Him, and from the feelings of angels, spirits, and those on earth, though they are only instrumental substances

Since there is no life but the one, that is, the Lord's, and all who are in the heavens and on earth are only forms, or substances shaped for receiving life, the question could arise as to what the origin is of objects of thinking. Everyone knows that no thinking can exist without a given object, following the rule that objects have to activate the senses.

The answer is, the Lord, who loves the preservation of each and every individual in the heavens and on earth, and has compassion on them. From Him comes every object, which, from its origin is Divine and most holy, but when it comes down into forms or shaped substances that are distorted, then thoughts come forth according to the form and character of each one. But because the Lord constantly has compassion on them, and intends and plans their salvation, it cannot possibly fail, because of their most holy origin, that all things down to the very least be held in an order outside of which no one can slip, unless it be for his or her own good. 1748, 15 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2329


Since there is no life given but one, to wit, that of the Lord, and all who are in the heavens and in the world are only forms and substances formed to receive life, the doubt may arise whence [spring] the objects of thoughts, for it is known that no thought can exist except an object be given according to the rule that the objects must move the sense; wherefore it is replied, that [it is] the Lord who loves to preserve each and all who are in the heavens and the world, and pities them, hence every object is Divine and most holy from its origin; but when he glides into forms or formed substances, which are perverse, then thoughts exist according to the form and disposition of each; and because the Lord continually pities them, and intends and consults for their safety, it cannot be but that each and all things, being from a most holy origin, are kept in order, beyond which no one can fall [delahi] unless it be purposed for his good. - 1748, June 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 2329 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2329. Unde omnia objecta cogitationum, et inde {a} ut et ex affectionibus angelorum, spirituum, et hominum, cum modo sunt substantiae organicae

Cum nulla datur vita quam una, scilicet Domini, et omnes qui sunt in coelis et in terris modo sunt formae seu substantiae formatae ad recipiendum vitam, in dubium venire potest, unde objecta cogitationum, nam notum est, quod nulla cogitatio existere possit, nisi dato objecto, secundum regulam, quod objecta movere debeant sensum: quare respondetur, quod a Domino 1

, qui conservationem 2

omnium et singulorum, qui in coelis et in terris, amat, et eorum miseretur, inde {b} omne objectum, quod Divinum et sanctissimum ex sua origine, sed cum labitur in formas, seu substantias formatas, quae perversae sunt, tunc cogitationes existunt, secundum cujusvis formam et indolem; at quia Dominus jugiter eorum miseretur 3

, et eorum saluti intendit et consulit, nequaquam potest, quia a sanctissima origine, quin omnia et singula in ordine teneantur, extra quem nullus delabi potest, nisi ut ei consulatur in bonum. 1748, 15 Junius.


1. The Manuscript has Dominus

2. In the Manuscript conservationem ab auctore in conservationi emendatum, forte animo habente intendit vel consulit pro amat (vide inferius)

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