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《灵界经历》 第2350节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2350

2350. Therefore, what belongs to people remains, so they think it is their own, and the life they had in the body remains, but it is more beautiful, more pleasant and happier. This is further shown by the fact that their fantasies are turned into lovely kinds of imaginative displays, which also remain with angels. There are very beautiful, and very pleasing displays, and within these and thus from them, happiness. The very displays themselves are fantasies turned into beautiful, pleasing mental imagery, and because they contain happiness, it comes forth from them, besides other qualities beyond number. 1748, 17 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2350

2350. Wherefore what is man's thus remains so that he thinks it his own, and the life which he possessed in the body remains, but is more beautiful, pleasant, and happy, which may still be evident from this, that their phantasies are turned into delightful kinds of representations, which are imaginative, which also remain with angels. They are most beautiful and pleasant representations, and felicity is inwardly therein, so that it arises therefrom. These representations are such phantasies as are changed into beautiful imaginative ideas therefore such as are delightful, and because felicity is in them, it arises from them, besides other things that are indefinite. - 1748, June 17.

Experientiae Spirituales 2350 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2350. Quare sic quod hominis est remanet, ut putet 1

esse suum, vitaque 2

quam habuit in corpore, manet, sed pulchrior, amaenior et felicior, quod adhuc constare potest ab eo, quod phantasiae eorum vertantur in species amaenas 3

repraesentationum, quae sunt imaginativae, quae quoque manent apud angelos, sunt repraesentationes pulcherrimae, et jucundissimae, ac intus in iis, sic ex iis, felicitas; ipsae repraesentationes tales, sunt phantasiae quae versae sunt in ideas imaginativas pulchras, sic amaenas, et quia in illis, ex illis, felicitas; praeter alia, quae indefinita sunt. 1748, 17 Junius.


1. In the Manuscript putat in putet forte emendatum

2. imperfectum in the Manuscript

3. The Manuscript has amaemas

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