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《灵界经历》 第2384节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2384

2384. Further, for souls to be able to be in the company of angels, they must be entirely convinced of those things, and in fact so much so that they not only easily accept the corroborations (rather than being distressed by them, as said [2383]), but such souls are eager to strengthen their faith, thus so to speak going with the current. Then light is given them by the Lord, not only for understanding that it is so, but also for seeing confirmations, and adding many more to them, for in this way they have a high knowledge of faith that goes beyond that of others.

It is different with those who are not like this. Against every single confirmatory detail, although they had professed the faith during bodily life, resistance arises, and they struggle against the current, consequently against higher knowledge, which consequently cannot be given to them, because it is, so to speak, opposite to them. Hence with them, darkness reigns. 1748, 22 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2384

2384. Moreover, in order that the soul may be able to be in the society of angels, it must be entirely persuaded of these things, and, indeed, so as not only to admit confirmations easily (not to be distressed, as above said) but also to desire to confirm it; therefore [proceeding] as it were with the current [secundo fluvio]. Then light is given them by the Lord, not only to understand that it is so, but also to perceive confirmations, and to add many things which confirm: thus they have knowledge of faith more than others. It is different with those who are not of such a character: in each confirming fact, although they have orally professed [faith], in the life of the body, occurs a struggle. Thus, [the soul] strives against the current, hence against knowledges, which, therefore, cannot be given to him, for they are, as it were, contrary to him; hence there is obscurity with them. - 1748, June 22.

Experientiae Spirituales 2384 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2384. Porro, ut anima possit esse in societate angelorum, debet esse prorsus persuasu de iis, et quidem ita, ut non solum facile admittat confirmationes (non ut dictum [2383] angantur [tales]) sed etiam ii desiderent confirmare eam {a}, sic quasi secundo fluvio, tunc iis datur lux a Domino, non solum intelligendi, quod ita sit, sed quoque percipiendi confirmationes plurima addendi, quae confirmant, ita cognitionem fidei habent prae aliis; aliter qui non tales sunt, in singulis confirmantibus, quamvis oretenus professi sunt in vita corporis, occurrit repugnans, sic [talis] contranititur 1

flumini, proinde cognitionibus, quae ei sic non dari possunt, nam ei sunt quasi contraria; inde apud eos obscuritas. 1748, 22 Junius.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has contranitur

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