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《灵界经历》 第243节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 243

243. About the sea roaring at the time of the last judgment

This night I seemed to be crossing a turbulent sea by boat, and soon, when half awake, I saw that sea, so black, with the waves surging up so high, that it would strike anyone with terror. That turbulence in the sea also seemed to be increasing. The waves at first heaved from left to right, then again toward the shore where I was. There were some people on an island or a rock, who were rescued.

When I awoke more fully, I plainly perceived for some time a commotion, with a feeling, as on other occasions, that I was surrounded by spirits, who were rising up. And as I heard, they were the bound from the pit, who, by the mercy of God the Messiah, had been loosed or set free at this place. There were a lot of them, as I could make out from the noise and other telling sensations; and it was also said that the Seas roaring at the last day or time, denote these and similar events [cf. Jer. 51:55, Luke 21:25].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 243


This night I seemed to be crossing a stormy sea in a boat, and soon afterwards being half awake, I saw that sea so black, and with waves so high, that it would strike terror into anyone. The raging of the sea seemed also to increase. At first the waves were borne from the left towards the right, and then towards the shore where I was. There were also some people on an island or projecting rock, who had been saved. Having become more fully awake, I perceived for some time a manifest commotion, with the feeling as at other times, that I was surrounded by spirits who were rising up, and who, as I heard, were those bound coming out of the pit, and by the mercy of God Messiah, were being released and set free in this place. There was a great multitude of them, as I could conclude from the noise and from other perceptible signs; it was also said that the raging seas at the last day or time signify these and similar things.

Experientiae Spirituales 243 (original Latin 1748-1764)

243. De mari tumultuante tempore ultimi judicii

Hac nocte videbar mare tumultuosum per navigium transire, et mox demiexpergefactus videbam mare istud ita nigrum cum fluctibus in altum surgentibus, ut terrorem cuivis incuteret, tumultuatio ista maris etiam accrescere videbatur, fluctus primum a sinistra versus dextram ferebantur, dein etiam versus littus ubi eram, quidam etiam in insula seu scopulo erant qui salvati; plenius expergefactus percipiebam aliquamdiu manifestam commotionem, cur sensu, ut alioquin, quod circumfunderer spiritibus, qui assurgebant; et sicut audivi, erant vincti ex fovea, qui ex misericordia Dei Messiae hic loci soluti seu liberati; magna erat copia, sicut ex strepitu et aliis sensationis signis concludere potui; et dicebatur quoque, quod Mari; tumultuantia ultimo die seu tempore, haec et simili: significent [cf. Jer. LI:[55].

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