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《灵界经历》 第2484节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2484

2484. it follows clearly that in them is reflected not only the fact that the things from the Lord in the innermost and very inward regions are unfathomable, but that He views all things that are to come from beginning to end down to the very least in their own uninterrupted series, even to the last. For every such potential event is as it were an image of the providence and foresight of the Lord; besides which [He views] what comes from the character of every parent in all posterity.

So nature, if we investigate it properly, can teach us that this is so, if we are viewing matters from truth, thus from things we can see. But then from those things [of nature] we ought by no means to make declarations regarding truths and explore them in this way, but from truths revealed by the Lord we ought to see those things as confirmations. In this way one is enlightened, while proceeding in the reverse order, one is obscured, confused, one doubts, and denies. 1748, 2 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2484

2484. It clearly follows that therein is represented not only that these things are inscrutable, which [are] from the Lord, in inmost and mere interior things, but that He views each and all things from the beginning to the end that are to come in their interrupted series till the end; for every such thing is, as it were, an image of the providence and previdence of the Lord, [leaving out] [praeter] what [comes] from the disposition of every parent to all posterity. Thus nature, if we scrutinize her aright, can teach us that it is so if we view things from truth, - therefore from visible things; but then we should by no means proceed from such to truths, and so explore them, but from truths revealed by the Lord; see such things as confirmations; thus man is illuminated; if he proceeds according to inverted order, he is then obscured and confounded; he doubts and denies. - 1748, July

Experientiae Spirituales 2484 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2484. [vide 2483]

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