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《灵界经历》 第2503节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2503

2503. This kind of deceit can be called deception by flattery, especially at court, engaged in for the sake either of their own profit or their own pleasure, that is, the desires originating from self-love or love of the world. Thus it is distinguishable into kinds, and these in turn into species. These words were written before spirits and before those who are of this nature, and they are silent, thinking about what will become of them, because they are thinking of the outcome for them already depicted to them, for such a picture moves them exceedingly because they strive especially for their voluptuous life and for gain. 1748, 3 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2503

2503. This kind of cunning may be called the cunning of flatterers, especially carried on at courts [aulis], either for the sake of their own gains, or their own pleasure; that is, for the sake of cupidities flowing from self-love, or love of the world. Thus cunning [doli] is distinguished into genera, and these into species. These things are written in presence of spirits; and to those who are of such a character, who are silent and think what is to befall them, because they think their departure [exit] also represented to them, for such a thing moves them very greatly, because they love [student] their voluptuous [luxurious] life, and especially their gain. - 1748, July 3.

Experientiae Spirituales 2503 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2503. Genus hujus doli vocari potest doli assentationum, cumprimis in aulis, vel sui lucri, vel suae voluptatis causa, hoc est, cupiditatum ex sui amore, vel ex mundi amore, fluentium; ita in genera et haec in species, distincti: haec coram spiritibus scripta, et coram iis, qui tales sunt, qui tacent, et cogitant, quid futurum iis, quia exitum eorum iis quoque repraesentatum cogitant, nam tale eos quammaxime movet, quia vitae suae voluptariae et lucro imprimis student. 1748, 3 Julius.

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