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《灵界经历》 第2505节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2505

2505. Some such were also with me for several days who are devoted to living for themselves, not for the common good, and were taking from me all joy of life, ascribing everything to themselves. They were doing this in the other life by trying from mere curiosity to hear and understand the things I read, and when they had grasped them, ascribing them to themselves, leaving me right there, so that I was kept very troubled doing my work. This revealed to me what they are like who look out only for themselves and indulge only themselves, and beyond that care for nothing. These words were written in their presence. 1748, 3 July. They never turn toward any other use than what is for themselves - that is, a use for the common welfare is nothing to them, only for self. So they are the kind that are not led by use, or the love of use.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2505

2505. Such were also with me for several days as [desire] to live for themselves, [and] not for the commonwealth, and took from me all the pleasantness of life, claiming all things for themselves. This they did in the other life in this manner, that they only wished from curiosity to hear and perceive what I read and when they have apprehended; these things, they have claimed them for themselves, leaving me afar off [porro] [out of the question], so that I was obliged to do my work with much annoyance, whereby it was manifested to me of what character are those who only work [student] for themselves, and only indulge themselves, and care for nothing besides. These things are written in their presence. - 1748 July 3.) These never purpose any use but for themselves; i.e. the use of the commonwealth is nothing to them, but their own [is]; wherefore they are such as are not led by use, or by the love of use.

Experientiae Spirituales 2505 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2505. [vide 2504]

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