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《灵界经历》 第2513节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2513

2513. All for their own condition experience the greatest [possible] joy in the heavens

I was allowed to see quite clearly by a spiritual mental image, and also spoke with spirits about the matter, that spirits would experience the greatest joy, each in keeping with their own condition, if everyone were content with their own lot and did not ambition things above them to which their fantasy draws them. Indeed, they would have such joy, each one, that it would be their highest. For everyone has their joy according to their own condition, and when they ambition what is higher, they do this from a fantasy, as everyone may understand.

For instance, if a farmer were given a royal court, with attendants and sumptuous furnishings, he would be very discontent and would long to return to his cottage and servants, his field and meadows, in which he takes the greatest delight. So in other cases that I was prompted to portray to them, as also the opposite, which I was likewise given to experience, that when some spirits were lifted up to inward joys, they desired to return.

Such heaven and the world of spirits would be, namely, each one in their highest joy, if they would be content with their lot that the Lord gave them, and would not from fantasy desire higher things. 1748, 4 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2513


It was granted me to see very plainly in spiritual idea, whereby I also spoke with the angels, that spirits would enjoy the highest joy, everyone according to his condition, were each one satisfied with his lot, and did not seek after those things which are above, whereto their phantasy leads them; yea, everyone [would enjoy] such joy as is their highest - for everyone enjoys his joy according to his condition: and when he seeks after that which is higher, does so from phantasy; which everyone may know, that if to a husbandman were given a royal palace, with attendants and sumptuous appointments, he would be illy satisfied, and desire to return to his cottage, domestics, field and meadow, wherein he chiefly delights. It is so in other things, as was also given to represent to them; so also when any were elevated to interior joy's, as was also granted to know from experience, that on the other hand they desired to return. Such would be heaven and the world of spirits, to wit, each one in the highest joy were content with their lot, which the Lord gave them, and did not desire higher things, from phantasy. - 1748, July 4.

Experientiae Spirituales 2513 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2513. Quod omnes in sua conditione fruantur gaudio maximo, in coelis

Idea spirituali admodum manifeste videre mihi dabatur, de quo etiam cum spiritibus loquutus sum, quod spiritus fruerentur summo gaudio, quisque secundum suam conditionem, si quisque contentus esset sua sorte, nec ambiret ea quae supra sunt, ad quae phantasia eorum, eos ducit, imo tanto gaudio, quisque, quod summum eorum est; nam quisque secundum conditionem suam fruitur suo gaudio, et cum ambit illud quod superius est, id ex phantasia facit, quod quisque scire potest, [ut] si agricolae aula regia cum satellitibus, et opiparis daretur, quod esset pessime contentus, et desideraret redire ad suam casam, domesticos, agrum et prata, quibus maxime delectatur, sic in caeteris, quae quoque iis repraesentare dabatur, ita quoque contra; quod quoque experientia scire datum, cum aliqui ad interiora gaudia elevarentur, quod desiderarent redire; tale foret coelum et mundus spirituum, nempe in summo gaudio unusquisque, si contenti essent sorte sua, quam eis Dominus daret, et non ex phantasia cuperent altiora. 1748, 4 Julius.

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