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《灵界经历》 第2539节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2539

2539. About the life of the Lord's Word

I spoke with angels about the life of the Lord's Word, namely that in the highest level of meaning of the Word of the Lord is the Lord Himself. In the universal meaning below the Lord is the universal heaven, that of angels and of good spirits. In the still lower meaning taken most broadly is the Church of the Lord throughout the whole globe, from the first creation to the very last times.

In a less broad meaning [the Word] concerns the Church instructed in all the various doctrines. In a meaning still less broad it concerns the innermost Church in all countries. In a still lower level of meaning it concerns the individual person in particular. In the most particular meaning it concerns every point of belief. In the abstract meaning it concerns heavenly, spiritual, rational matters, wisdom, intelligence, and so on. 1748, 5 July. Such as the subject is, so are its predicates.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2539


I spoke with angels concerning the life of the Lord's Word, to wit, that in the supreme sense of the Lord's Word is the Lord Himself; in the universal sense below the Lord [is] the universal heaven of angels and good spirits; in a sense still lower [is] the Church of the Lord throughout the universal world, from the first creation to the last times, taken in a most universal manner; in a sense less universal [it treats] of the Church which is instructed, with all its various doctrines; in a sense still less universal concerning the inmost Church in the world; in a sense still inferior, in particular concerning each [singulari] man; in the most singular sense, concerning every article of faith; in an abstract sense, concerning celestials, spirituals, rationals, wisdom, intelligence, and so forth. - 1748, July 5. - According to the subject such is the predicate.

Experientiae Spirituales 2539 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2539. De vita Verbi Domini

Loquutus cum angelis de vita Verbi Domini, nempe quod in supremo sensu Verbi Domini, sit Ipse Dominus: in sensu universali infra Dominum, universum coelum, angelorum, et bonorum spirituum: in sensu adhuc inferiori, universalissime Ecclesia Domini per universum terrarum 1

orbem, a prima creatione ad ultima tempora; in sensu minus universali, de Ecclesia quae instructa est, cum omnibus ejus variis doctrinis, in sensu adhuc minus universali, de Ecclesia intima, in terris; in sensu inferiori adhuc, in particulari de singulari homine; in sensu singularissimo, de quovis articulo fidei; in sensu abstracto, de coelestibus, spiritualibus, rationalibus, sapientia, intelligentia, et sic porro, 1748, 5 Julius; sicut 2

subjectum, ita se habent praedicata.


1. The Manuscript has terarum

2. The Manuscript has Julius sicut

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