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《灵界经历》 第2541节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2541

2541. I have also spoken with spirits, saying that if people had faith in the Lord, heaven could then be opened to them, or the inward avenue toward heaven, which has been closed-almost as has happened of the Lord's mercy in me. And then there would be an association of souls, spirits, and angels with people in the world, and of people in the world with souls, spirits, and angels, so that spirits would know what is going on in the world and people in the world what is going on in heaven. Thus they would live together and on both sides.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2541

2541. I also spoke with spirits [to the effect] that if men were in faith in the Lord that heaven would thus be opened to them, or an interior way to heaven, which is closed, just as [has occurred] from the Lord's mercy in me, and so there would be a commerce of souls, spirits, and angels with men in the world, and of men in the world with souls, spirits, and angels, so that spirits would know what is transacted in the world, and men what in heaven. Thus they would on both sides live together.

Experientiae Spirituales 2541 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2541. Loquutus etiam sum cum spiritibus, quod si homines in fide in Dominum essent, quod sic aperiri potuisset iis coelum, seu via interior versus coelum, quae clausa est, fere sicut ex Domini misericordia in me, et sic commercium foret animarum, spirituum et angelorum, cum hominibus [in] mundo, et hominum in mundo, cum animabus, spiritibus et angelis, ut scirent spiritus, quid in mundo peragitur, et homines quid in coelo; ita viverent simul, et utrinque.

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