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《灵界经历》 第2544节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2544

2544. Fallacies of the senses must be removed in things that ought to be believed

I have sometimes spoken with spirits who were with me, as I am also doing now, saying that they are not near me, even though they seem to themselves to be nearby, and sometimes, as very often, that they touch me, move me, work tangibly inside of me, at my side, at my head, when yet experience has shown unquestionably that they cannot possibly be here, but sometimes 10, 100, 1000, 3000 miles distant. Indeed, the case is the same in regard to spirits of other planets.

But because spirits were judging entirely from the appearance as if it were so, that they were with me, and very close by, they did not want to believe it because it was entirely contrary to the appearance. I was prompted to tell them that it is a matter of firmly established and sure experience, and not to be doubted, and least of all for the reason that it so appears; and that they cannot understand it for any reason because they had not seen the reason.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2544


(I have spoken sometimes with spirits, as also now, who were present with me, [to the effect] that they are not near me, although they seem to themselves to be near, yea, sometimes very often [to be] so near as to touch [and] move me, operate to the touch, within me, at the side, at the head, when yet experience is most certain that they cannot be here, but sometimes 10, 100, 1000, 3000 miles distant; yea, that it is similar with spirits of other earths. But because spirits from the appearance, entirely as if it were so, that they were near and next to me, do not wish to believe it, because it was wholly contrary to appearance, it was given to tell them that experience is constant and certain, and it is not to be doubted, and least from that cause that it appears so, and that they cannot perceive it from any cause because they have not perceived the cause.

Experientiae Spirituales 2544 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2544. De fallaciis sensuum, quod removendae in credendis

Loquutus sum quandoque cum spiritibus, sicut quoque nunc, qui aderant apud me, quod non sint prope me, tametsi ii sibi videantur prope esse, imo quandoque ut saepius tam prope ut tangant me, moveant, ad tactum operentur, intus in me, ad latus, ad caput, cum tamen experientia certissima est, quod non possint hic esse, sed quandoque, 10, 100, 1000, 3000 milliarium distantia, imo quod similiter sit cum spiritibus tellurum aliarum: sed quia spiritus ex apparentia prorsus [judicabant] sicut ita esset, quod essent prope me, et proxime, non volebant id credere, quia contra apparentiam prorsus esset: iis dicere dabatur, quod experientia constans sit, et certa, et non dubitandum, et minime ex ea causa, quod ita appareat, et quod percipere id nequeant ex ulla causa,

(2545.) quia causam non perceperunt; hoc coram iis illucidare, dabatur dicere, quod cum experientia clara et certa sit, non dubitandum, quia alia est apparentia, et quia non norunt causas, sicut perplura similia in natura dantur, quae experientia constant, et tamen quia [tale] verum, est credendum, sicut quod navigare possint circum globum telluris, et ab opposita parte, ex opposito pedum nostrorum, hoc certum est, quia experientia constat; quis in mundo dubitaret de eo, quia aliter apparet, et quia non novit causam? tunc forent innumerabilia similia in rerum natura, quae non crederet, cum tamen talia sint.

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