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《灵界经历》 第2556节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2556

2556. But whether the interacting spirits were of the same opinion as they, of this I cannot be sure, for there are many interacting spirits, and sometimes those who are not of the same opinion; so "their gang" means no others than those in the world of spirits who are absorbed in the same falsity. For the spirits were entirely unaware of what they were speaking in heaven, being absorbed only in the symbolic mental image of birds, and this in fact accompanied by an unpleasant feeling, as they now declare. 1748, 7 July. So the interacting spirits are not of their gang, but only those immersed in the same falsity.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2556

2556. But whether the spirits corresponding to them have been of a similar opinion I cannot know, for there are given many corresponding spirits, and sometimes those who are not of a similar opinion: thus by their crew [turbo] no other are understood than those who are in a similar falsity in the world of spirits: for spirits were entirely ignorant that they spoke [were speaking] in heaven, they were only in the representative of the birds, and indeed with unpleasantness, as they now say. - 1748, July 7. - Wherefore the corresponding [spirits] are not of their crew, but are only those who are in a like falsity.

Experientiae Spirituales 2556 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2556. Num autem spiritus correspondentes iis simili opinione fuerint, non scire possum, nam spiritus correspondentes dantur plures, et quandoque ii qui non simili opinione sunt, ita per turbam eorum non alii intelliguntur quam qui sunt in falsitate simili, in mundo spirituum; nam spiritus nesciebant prorsus quid loquebantur in coelo, erant modo in idea repraesentativa avium, et quidem cum inamaenitate, ut nunc ajunt. 1748, 7 Julius. Quare correspondentes non sunt eorum turbae, sed modo qui in simili falsitate sunt.

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