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《灵界经历》 第2559节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2559

2559. Spirits, like people on earth, are at once brought spontaneously to do evil, as soon as the reins are slackened

I was enabled to observe especially in the world of spirits, and also to experience, that as soon as their reins are slackened, they rush of themselves to the ruin and destruction of those around them. They are constantly being restrained, in such a way that they do not feel it, by a spiritual restraining bond, so that they cannot think, much less will and do, evil as befits their liking and nature. They are unaware of this bond, because being restrained in this manner, they therefore suppose that they are good. But by experience on several occasions I was shown how this bond is let loose, and at once they rush into evil, and indeed to the destruction of those standing around. In fact, so that I might learn this, I was given, so to speak, the power of slackening it, and they began rushing to evil at once, even so intensely that they complained at being let loose.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2559


This in particular was granted me to observe in the world of spirits, and was also given me to experience, to wit, that as soon as they enjoy remission [remittitur] they rush of themselves to ruin and destroy those who are around. They are perpetually so kept in spiritual bonds as not to feel it, in order that they may not be able to think, still less will, and do evil according to their liking and nature. They are ignorant of such bonds, because they are held in such a manner [as not to feel it]; therefore they are supposed to be good of themselves. But it is sometimes shown by experience that these bonds are remitted, and immediately they rush into evil, and indeed to destroy the bystanders. Yea, for the sake of knowing it, the power of remitting their bonds was, as it were, granted to me, and immediately they rushed [to destroy others]; yea, so that [others] complained that remission should be granted them.

Experientiae Spirituales 2559 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2559. Quod spiritus sicut homines, illico ferantur a se ad malum faciendum, ut iis laxatur habena

Hoc imprimis in mundo spirituum observare mihi dabatur, et mihi quoque id experiri datum, quod nempe illico ut iis remittitur, ruant ex se in ruinam et perniciem eorum qui circum sunt; tenentur jugiter ita, ut non sentiant, in vinculo spirituali, ut non possint cogitare, minus velle et facere malum secundum libitum et naturam eorum, quod vinculum nesciunt, quia sic tenentur, putantes 1

ideo quod ex se boni sunt; sed experientia aliquoties ostensa est, quod remittatur hoc vinculum, et illico ruant in malum, et quidem ad perdendum circumstantes; imo sciendi causa, mihi quoque quasi data est copia remittendi iis, et illico ruebant,

(2560.) imo ita, ut conquesti sint, quod remitterentur. Mihi simile contigit, cum remitterer, illico quoque in malum rui, sic ut nihil nisi malum inest indoli hominis, et Soli Domino bonum, et misericordia, Qui universum coelum, et mundum spirituum ita tenet quasi vinctum, ut nesciant fere quod mali, imo ut putent bonum ab iis, de quo aliquoties cum iis loquutus, [ii] volentes vindicare sibi bonum, similiter tenetur genus humanum, quamvis nesciunt, quare si remitteretur vinculum spirituale Domini, illico rueret unus sicut fera in feram, unus in alterum; de vinculo illo perplurima forent dicenda, sed dignante Domino alibi [vide 2737-2739, 2943]. 1748, 7 Julius.


1. The Manuscript has putantur

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