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《灵界经历》 第2562节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2562

2562. Nevertheless, by means of the tissues so marvelously intertwining and flowing into each other, it would never seem possible to the observing eye that actions could arise so normally, when yet every single fiber is looking after its own role in society with the others, which together constitute a unity of action among an unlimited variety of other societal actions.

A mental image of this kind can be formed of inward ideas, or those pertaining to the angels of the inward heaven compared to the inward things of the world of spirits. From this, one who is able to weigh these matters and has become somewhat knowledgeable in them can conclude how unfathomable just inward things are, let alone the very inward ones, which flow into the inward ones! For a single mental image of the world of spirits can be compared to a single action resulting from countless powers and forms so operating and entering into the most minute action - and so forth. 1748, 7 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2562

2562. and yet still by fibrous media, mediate nexus, and such wonderful influxes of fibers, to the eye's beholding, actions could never seem to be able to exist so regularly from these, and yet there is not one which does not have respect to its own mode in society with others, which together constitute the unit of an action [contributing] with inadequate variety in conjunction with others to societies of action. Such an idea may be formed of interior ideas, or [those] of the angels of the interior heaven, in relation to the interiors of the world of spirits; from which those who can consider these things, and, as it were, be somewhat made in similars, can conclude how inscrutable are only interior things, let alone more interior things which inflow into interiors. For one idea of the interior world of spirits may be compared to one action [composed]) of indefinite forces and forms thus acting and entering into the littlest action and so forth. - 1748, July 7.

Experientiae Spirituales 2562 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2562. [vide 2561]

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