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《灵界经历》 第2608节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2608

2608. So, too, [they know no better] than that they all speak in my native language and seem to themselves to know all things that are in my memory, supposing they come from themselves, as I have also told them several times. For it is a fallacy of the sense that they think so. Nevertheless it seems to them as if they know my language on their own, and as if the things in my memory were from their very own memory. This makes clear how sensory illusion or appearance deludes earthly humans and spirits.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2608

2608. Likewise also that all speak my vernacular, and that to themselves they seem to know all those things which are in my memory, supposing that [it is] from themselves, which also I have told them several times, for such a supposition of theirs is a fallacy of sense. Yet it seems to them that they know my language of themselves, and that [the things] which [are] in my memory [come[ from themselves, [from] their own memory; hence may also be apparent how the fallacy of sense and appearance mocks men and spirits.

Experientiae Spirituales 2608 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2608. Sicut etiam, quod loquantur omnes mea vernacula, et quod scire sibi videantur omnia ea, quae in memoria mea sunt, putantes quod ex semet, quod iis quoque aliquoties dixi, nam est fallacia sensus quod ita putent, usque tamen iis videtur, quod ii sciant linguam meam ex semet, et quae in memoria mea, quod a semet suamet memoria, inde quomodo ludit homines et spiritus fallacia sensus aut apparentia, inde quoque constare potest.

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