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《灵界经历》 第2617节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2617

2617. 1These hellish pleasures prevailed in the descendants of Jacob, who felt no greater pleasure than that of tormenting the nations, as we also read concerning David, that he thus tormented the children of Ammon, 2 Sam. 12:31, where such practices and similar grinding tortures are meant. But they were hellish, never commanded, nor ever permitted to anyone except to those whose femoral nerve was dislocated, that is, with whom the lower part of the thigh is separated from its higher part, so that the opposite pleasure is in the lower part to that in the higher one.

Therefore, by the dislocated nerve of Jacob this separation, or change into the opposite is meant. Hence it is clear what is meant by the heel being bruised in Gen.

[3:15] by the serpent; also by Jacob's holding the heel of Esau, and his name having the same meaning 2[25:26]. Thus he specifically is meant by the serpent who bruises the heel of the woman's seed. 1748, 16 July.


1. 2616 is lacking in the original.

2. That is, "to take hold of the heel, to supplant."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2617

2617. Such infernal pleasantnesses prevailed in the children [posterity] [posteria] of Jacob. They did not perceive a greater pleasantness than in tormenting the Gentiles, as is also read concerning David, that he thus tormented the sons of Ammon, 2 Sam. 12:31, where such things are understood and similar triturations are signified; but they were infernal [and] never commanded, nor ever permitted to anyone save to those whose sinew [nervus] was luxated, that is, whose lower part of the thigh is separated from its upper part, so that there is a contrary pleasantness in the lower part to what is in the upper. Wherefore by the luxated sinew of Jacob such a separation or change into the opposite is understood. Hence may be manifest what is understood by heel [calcaneum] in Genesis, which is hurt by the serpent; as also that Jacob held the heel of Esau, and that his name signifies the same: thus specifically is understood by the serpent which hurts the heel of the woman's seed. - 1748, July 16.

Experientiae Spirituales 2617 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2617. 1

Tales jucunditates infernales regnabant in posteris Jacobi, qui non majorem jucunditatem percipiebant, quam ut gentes cruciarent, sicut legitur quoque de Davide, quod filios Ammonis sic cruciaverit, II Sam. XII: 31, ubi talia intelliguntur, et 2

similes triturationes significantur; sed erant infernales, nusquam mandatae, nec usquam alicui licitae, nisi quibus nervus femoris luxatus, hoc est, quibus pars inferior femoris separatur a parte ejus superiore, sic ut contraaia jucunditas sit in parte inferiore, quam in superiore: quare per luxatum 3

nervum Jacobi, talis separatio seu mutatio in oppositum intelligitur; exinde constare potest, quid intelligitur per calcaneum, quod laesum est, in Genes. [III: [15] a serpente; tum quod Jacobus tenuerit calcaneum Esavi, et quod nomen ejus idem {a} significet [XXV: [26]; sic in specie intelligitur per serpentem, qui laedit calcaneum seminis mulieris. 1748, 16 Julius.


1. 2616 deest

2. The Manuscript has intelliguntur; et

3. The Manuscript has luatum

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