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《灵界经历》 第2619节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2619

2619. They said to me several times that this had been commanded, but I was prompted to reply to them that it was not commanded, but permitted because that was their character, just as the devil is permitted, because he has that nature, to torment people. These permissions, because they had been of that character ever since Jacob, seemed to them to have been commanded. For such people do not take it any other way than that they were commanded, so in these matters they were also spoken to in accordance with the appearance and fallacy of their sense.

That this was not a Divine, or the Lord's command, is most clearly obvious from the fact that it is contrary or opposite to Heavenly Love, and that of one human being toward another, about which love the Lord spoke so often. And the Lord is Love Itself, from Whom Alone is all Heavenly Love in the Heavens, and marriage Love, and the love of parents toward their children. 1748, 16 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2619

2619. They have sometimes told me that this was commanded, but it was given to answer them that it was not commanded but permitted, because they were of such a nature. In like manner it is permitted the devil, because of such a nature, to torment men. Such permissions, because there have been such ever since Jacob's [time], seem to them [to be] commanded: for such [men] apprehend nothing else than that [such things] are commanded; wherefore according to the appearance and the fallacy of their sense is it also spoken [the language] in these things. That it was not divine or commanded by the Lord may be most clearly evident from this, that it is contrary or opposite to heavenly love, and [the love] of one man towards another, concerning which love the Lord has so many times spoken, and the Lord is Love Itself, from whom alone [flows] all the heavenly love in the heavens, and conjugial love, and the love of parents towards children. - 1748, July 16.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2619 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2619. Mihi aliquoties dixerunt, quod hoc mandatum esset, sed respondere iis datum, quod non mandatum, sed permissum, quia tales essent, sicut permittitur diabolo, quia talis, cruciare homines, permissiones tales, quia tales fuerunt usque a Jacobo, iis videbantur mandata, nam tales nihil aliud capiunt, quam quod mandata sint, quare secundum apparentiam et fallaciam eorum sensus quoque in iis loquutum; quod non Divinum seu Domini mandatum fuerat, constare potest clarissime ex eo, quia contrarium seu oppositum est Amori Coelesti, et unius hominis erga alterum; de quo amore Dominus toties loquutus est, et Dominus est Ipse Amor; a Quo Unico omnis Amor Coelestis in Coelis, et Amor conjugialis, et amor parentum erga liberos. 1748, 16 Julius.

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