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《灵界经历》 第2661节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2661

2661. One must answer for one's least words in the other life [cf. Matt. 12:36]

Here only this, that a certain spirit told me I would answer for every single word, but I was prompted to reply to him, and at the same time to see by a spiritual mental image, that I had already long ago answered for these words with spirits, for those who have faith, they do not speak from themselves, because they know and are convinced they do not do so from their own power. Therefore neither can they answer for words brought forth by them. This is how the matter stands with those who have faith in the Lord. 1748, 21 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2661


Here [I will] only [mention] that a certain spirit told me, that I should answer for every word: but it was granted to reply to him, and at the same time to perceive it in spiritual idea, that I have long since answered for these words with spirits: for those who are in faith, do not speak of themselves, because they know and are persuaded, that [they do not speak] of themselves: wherefore they cannot answer for words announced by them: thus it is with those who are in faith in the Lord. - 1748, July 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 2661 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2661. Quod respondendum pro singulis vocibus in altera vita [cf. Matth. XII: 36]

Hic modo, quod quidam spiritus mihi diceret, quod responderem pro singulis vocibus, sed dabatur ei respondere, et simul idea spirituali id percipere, quod pro verbis his cum spiritibus jamdum responderim, nam qui in fide sunt, non ii ex se loquuntur, quia sciunt et persuasi sunt, quod non ex se, quare nec respondere possunt pro vocibus ab iis prolatis, ita se res habet cum iis qui in fide in Dominum sunt. 1748, 21 Julius.

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