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《灵界经历》 第2678节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2678

2678. About those who live securely, without fearing any God, but who fear and adore him who does them earthly good

There are many such in the other life, and they dwell around the sole of the left foot, occupying the region of the sole of the left foot. I spoke with them, and I felt them as they were at that time struggling upwards on their own power from the sole, through the foot. I also felt their struggle, and as a result of the struggle their ascent even to the knees, but still they are slipping back to their place or region. They work like the roll of the sea, and those who spoke with me did not appear to be evil, for when I prayed the Lord's prayer, they even followed the thoughts to the Lord. But I was told that they are the kind who adore those who benefit them,

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2678


There are many in the other life of such a character; and they dwell about the sole of the left foot, occupying the region of the sole of the left foot. I spoke with them, and felt them, then striving together of themselves, upwards from the sole through the foot. I also felt their simultaneous effort [connisum], and their ascent from joint effort, up to the knees, but still they fall back [relabuntur] into their place, or region. They act like a wave of the sea: and they who spoke with me did not appear evil: for when I supplicated the Lord's prayer, they also followed the thoughts to the Lord: But it was said, that they are of such a character,

Experientiae Spirituales 2678 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2678. De iis qui vivunt secure, absque quod timeant quemque Deum, sed eum timent et adorant, qui iis facit bonum naturale

Sunt plures in altera vita tales, et habitant circa plantam pedis sinistri, regionem tenentes plantae pedis sinistri, cum quibus loquutus sum, et quos sensi, connitentes tunc sursum ex semet a planta per pedem, eorum connisum quoque sensi, et eorum ex connisu ascensum, usque ad genua, sed usque relabuntur in locum seu in regionem suam; ii agunt quasi volumen maris, et qui mecum loquuti, non mali apparebant, nam cum orationem Dominicam supplicavi, etiam ii sequuti sunt cogitationes, ad Dominum: sed dictum, quod tales sint, ut adorent eos qui iis benefaciunt,

(2679.) ita non curantes, quinam pro Deo agnoscitur; quod etiam ex alia experientia scire mihi datum est, cum nempe aeternum repraesentabatur ut abyssus sine fundo, tunc fuerunt qui cum in fundum spectarent, in talem timorem maximum acti sunt qui vocatur (hissna {a}); ii tunc dicebant, quod tales phantasias non curent, sed cum iis quoque sisteretur, maximo timore tali sunt perciti. Cum altera vice supplicavi orationem Domini, percipere dabatur, quod ii ardentiores fuerint, quam alii.

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