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《灵界经历》 第2687节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2687

2687. Therefore people should beware who are given occasion to speak with spirits, lest they be led to believe those spirits are who they say they are, and thus convince them that those people are dead, as they are apt to claim, when yet they are alive. For those who are similar in kind and species, in mind and manners, conduct themselves similarly, with every resemblance derived from the knowledge of the person on earth with whom they are. This is further evident from the fact that such spirits are generally associated with those who are like the person they are with, and when present cannot tell they are not the same person. 1748, 26 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2687

2687. Wherefore let them take care for themselves to whom it is granted to speak with spirits, lest they be induced to believe that they are the ones whom they say they are, and thus [these] persuade [them] that those [other] are deceased, such it is usual for them to say, although (these others are alive: for those who are alike [similar] in genus and species, as to mind [animim] and manners, similarly conduct themselves with all resemblance, derived from the man's knowledge with whom they are. This may farther be evident from this, that such spirits are generally [in genere] associated with those who are like him, and when with him, they do not know other than that they are the same (as those spirits with whom they are associated). - 1748, July 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 2687 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2687. Quare caveant sibi, quibus datur cum spiritibus loqui, ne inducantur credere quod ii sint, quos se dicunt esse, et sic persuadeant, quod mortui illi, sicut dicere solent, tametsi vivant: qui enim in genere et in specie similes sunt, quoad animum et mores, similiter se gerunt, cum omni similitudine, desumta ex cognitione hominis, apud quem sunt: quod adhuc constare potest ab eo, quod tales spiritus in genere associentur iis, qui similes ei sunt, et cum apud eum, non sciant aliter, quam quod iidem sunt. 1748, 26 Julius.

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