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《灵界经历》 第2704节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2704

2704. About those who are carried away by the lust for virginities

Just before awakening, when I was more asleep than awake, I saw that someone was reading a letter, which I heard, the subject of which was excrements of virginities. And when I awoke, my mind kept deliberating what this was, "excrements of virginities." Then certain spirits spoke with me and explained what this was, namely, that in the world there are those who are driven by that perverse lust of desiring nothing more than virginities, and that thefts of virginities or of the flowers of virgins are the greatest delights to them, without any purpose looking toward marriage and offspring, and then when they have stolen a virginity and snatched away the first flower of youth, they afterwards abandon them, become sick of, and reject them - some men hating them, as we read of David's son Ammon [2 Sam. 13:15]. Then the more virginities they have taken away by theft and thus the more they are able to deflower, the more they boast. These lusts were what had been meant by excrements of virginities.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2704


(Immediately before waking when I was still, more asleep than awake, it seemed to me that someone read a letter, which I heard, wherein was treated concerning the excrements of maidenhood [virginitatum]; and when I awoke [my] mind [animus] was held therein, as to what this meant [asset] [concerning] the excrements of maidenhood. Then certain spirits spoke with me, and explained who this was, to wit that there are those in the world who are smitten with that perverse cupidity that they desire nothing more than maidenhood; and the theft of maidenhood or the flowers of virgins is to them the greatest delight, and so when they have stolen maidenhood, and snatched away the first flower of youth, they afterwards forsake [relinquant], loathe, reject them; certain also hold them in hatred, as is read of Amnon the son of David; thus during their life, the more maidenhoods they can carry off stealthily, and so the more [virgins] they can deflower, the more they boast. Such were the cupidities which were understood by the excrements of maidenhood.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2704 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2704. De iis qui cupiditate virginitatum feruntur

Proxime ante vigiliam, cum adhuc plus somni quam vigiliae esset, mihi visum, quod aliquis legeret epistolam, quam audivi, in qua agebatur de excrementis 1

virginitatum, et cum evigilatus, animus tenebatur in eo, quid hoc esset, excrementa virginitatum, tunc spiritus quidam mecum loquuti sunt, et explicuerunt quid hoc esset, nempe quod in mundo sint, qui cupiditate ista perversa perciti sunt, ut nihil plus cupiant, quam virginitates, et quod virginitatum 2

seu florum virginum furta iis maxima delectamenta sint, absque 3

omni fine quoad onjugium et prolem, et sic cum virginitatem furati sint, et florem primum juventutis abripuerint, eas postea relinquant, nauseent, rejiciant, quidam etiam odio habent, sicut legitur de Amnone 4

filio Davidis [Sam. XIII:[15]; sic ii vita sua, quotcunque virginitates furtim auferere {a}, et sic quotcunque deflorare possint, eo magis se jactant; tales cupiditates erant, quae per excrementa virginitatum intellecta sunt.


1. The Manuscript has extrementis

2. The Manuscript has virginatatum

3. The Manuscript has sint; absque

4. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has Adoniah

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