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《灵界经历》 第2708节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2708

2708. 1So their punishment in the other life is the heaviest, for they cannot be let into societies. Their punishment, also shown to me, is that they seem to be mounted on a mad horse that bucks them up and forwards, so they are thrown from the horse at the risk of their life, and afterwards they appear below the horse, covered over, but for what reason they appear covered over, I do not yet know. They stand under the belly of that still mad horse, which seems to them to be trying to kill them. Then they seem to go under through the lower part of the horse's belly, into its belly, and now


1. 2707 is lacking in the original.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2708

2708. (Wherefore their punishment in the other life is most grievous, for they cannot be admitted into societies. Their punishment was also seen by me [to wit] that they seem to themselves to sit on a furious horse, who projects them upwards, so that they are thrown from the horse, with danger [discriminibus] to their life; and afterwards they are represented under the horse, covered up [obvelati]. I do not yet know on what account they are represented as covered up, and stand under the belly of that horse; and the horse above, and likewise furious [and] seem to themselves to endeavor to kill them. Then they seem to themselves to pass under through the interior part of the horse's belly into his belly,

Experientiae Spirituales 2708 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2708. 1

Quare eorum poena in altera vita est gravissima, nam in societates admitti nequeunt; poena eorum mihi quoque visa est, quod videantur sibi equo insidere furioso, qui eos projicit sursum, sic ut ex equo dejiciantur 2

cum discriminibus vitae; et postea sistuntur sub equo, obvelati, ex qua causa, quod obvelati sistantur, nondum scio, et sub equi istius ventre stent, et equus desuper, et similiter furiosus, eos interimere conari iis videatur 3

; tunc subire sibi videntur per partem inferiorem ventris, equi, in ventrem ejus, et tunc

(2709.) subito 4

iis apparet, quasi in faeminae meretricis ventrem, quae faemina illico mutari iis videtur in magnum draconem seu serpentem, quales gentilium quidam adorant, et ibi manet [talis] obvelatus cum cruciatu, nam sibi obvelatus videtur, et sic videtur esse absque respiratione, et sic devastantur; quae poena multoties recurrit, et mihi dictum in plures annos, si non centenos aut millenos annos, [usque] dum ibi talium cupiditatum amplius non reminiscantur, et [tantum] ne quidem sui, quantum vitae in talibus habuerint.


1. 2707 deest

2. The Manuscript has dejiciantur

3. The Manuscript has sibi videantur

4. The Manuscript has sibito

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