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《灵界经历》 第2712节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2712

2712. It was they who spoke later, saying they were surprised that all are not like this, as they are struck with such delight that the enjoyment with them from those things surpassed every other. So corrupt is the world today and such the heredity is becoming and spreading thence by various routes to future generations; therefore, are not the last times at hand? Formerly unheard of things have been generated, which are destroying the human nature-just as with those who finally perished by the flood.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2712

2712. Those who spoke afterwards, said that they wonder that all are not such; with such delight are they affected that the delight from such things exceeds with them every other delight. The world at this day is thus corrupt, and such has become the hereditary [principle], and so diffuses itself into posterities by various ways are not, therefore, the last times at hand? Things are generated before unheard of, which destroy the nature of man, like as with those who perished at last by the deluge.

Experientiae Spirituales 2712 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2712. Erant qui loquuti postea, dicentes quod mirentur quod non omnes sint tales, tali oblectamento perciti sunt, ut oblectamentum ex talibus excederet apud eos, omnem aliam oblectationem; ita mundus hodie est corruptus, et tale fit haereditarium, et sic se diffundit in posteritates per varias vias, annon sic ultima tempora instant? quae 1

prius inaudita, generata sunt, quae perdunt naturam hominis; sicut apud eos qui tandem perierunt diluvio.


1. The Manuscript has instant: quae

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