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《灵界经历》 第2719节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2719

2719. About the kitchen fire, continued

Those written about earlier [2711-2712] came to where there were societies of spirits, and they said they could not have stayed there because of the oppressive stink, so they could not have survived if they had not been allowed to flee away, so to speak. It is these who are in the kitchen fire and are the worst and most oppressive in the world, so that the world can scarcely continue if they multiply. In fact they are the kind to boast of these things, and they also have the greatest enjoyment of their lust when they manage to entice others into it. This is the reason why their torments in hell are more grievous than the hellish punishments of all other sinners. 1748, 31 July.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2719


Those of such a sort as I have previously written of, came where there were societies of spirits, and these said that they could not have subsided, on account of the offensive smell [propter, gravedinem foetoris], thus, that they could not have lived unless they had been permitted to flee away. Of such a sort are those who are in the kitchen fire [heat], and are the worst and most offensive [gravissimi] of all in the world, so that the world can scarcely subsist if such were multiplied; yea, they are such that they boast of these things; they also delight with exceeding ardor [summa cupidine] in this, that they can inveigle others, which is the reason that their infernal punishments are more grievous than the infernal punishment of all other sins. - 1748, July 31.

Experientiae Spirituales 2719 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2719. De culinario igne, continuatio

Tales de quibus prius scriptum [2711-2712], venerunt, ubi societates spirituum erant, et ii dicebant, quod non potuissent subsistere, propter gravedinem foetoris, sic ut non potuissent vivere, nisi iis licuisset quasi aufugere, tales sunt ii, qui in igne culinario sunt, et sunt omnium pessimi et gravissimi in mundo, sic ut mundus vix subsistere possit, si tales multiplicarentur, imo ii tales sunt, ut se jactant iis, tum etiam summam 1

cupidinis oblectationem in eo habent ut pellicere possint alios; quae causa est, quod eorum infernales 2

cruciatus prae omnium aliorum peccatorum poenis infernalibus graviores sunt. 1748, 31 Julius.


1. The Manuscript has sumam

2. The Manuscript has infernalis

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