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《灵界经历》 第2721节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2721

2721. On the four special styles of the Old Testament

I was told from heaven that there are four special styles of the old Testament. The [first is the] style of the ancient Church and of the most ancient, which is like that of the Book of Genesis treating of Paradise, and the tower of Babel. And the second style is like the historical one in the first Book of Moses, whose scribe did not know that it contained secrets of heaven. The third style is prophetical, like that of the prophets, which is indeed similar to the style of the ancient Church, except occurring as scattered sayings. This was retained because people of that time admired it on account of its antiquity. The fourth style was like that of the psalms of David, which is in between. 1748, 2 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2721


I was told from heaven that there are four styles peculiar to the Old Testament; the style of the Ancient and Most ancient Churches, such as is employed in the Book of Genesis in treating of Paradise and the tower of Babel; and another style is the historical style employed in the First Book of Moses, whereof the writer was ignorant that it contained heavenly arcana: the third style is the prophetic, such as the prophets employed, which is indeed similar to the style of the Ancient Church, only that [things] are scattered. This style was retained because the men of that time admired it on account of its antiquity. The fourth style was such as belongs to the Psalms of David which is an intermediate style. - 1748, August 2.

Experientiae Spirituales 2721 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2721. De quatuor stylis praecipuis veteris Testamenti

Dictum mihi e 1

coelo, quod 2

quatuor styli praecipui veteris Testamenti sint: stylus antiquae Ecclesiae, et antiquissimae est qualis est Libri Geneseos de Paradiso, turri Babylonica; et alter stylus est qualis est historicus in Libro primo Mosis, quem nesciebat scriptor, quod contineret arcana coeli; tertius stylus est propheticus, qualis apud prophetas, qui quidem similis est stylo antiquae Ecclesiae, modo quod sint sparsa, qui retinebatur, quia admirabantur illum tunc temporis homines, propter antiquitatem; quartus stylus erat qualis psalmorum Davidis, qui intermedius est. 1748, 2 Aug.


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