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《灵界经历》 第2731节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2731

2731. From this the conclusion can be drawn that all the thoughts of angels and thence of spirits come forth from, and are produced by the Lord Alone, for they must exist from the One Who is in the highest regions, otherwise there would be no circumvolution, no mental imagery, no order of the thoughts, no pattern, no law, no distinction of kinds and species, in short, nothing living would exist, consequently nothing earthly containing life, nor any inanimate earthly object. 1748, 3 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2731

2731. Hence it may be concluded that all the thoughts of angels, and hence of spirits, exist and are produced by [from] the Lord alone; for these things must exist from one who is in the highest things [in supremis], otherwise would exist no circumvolution, nor idea, nor order thereof, nor form, nor law, nor distinction, as to genera and species; in a word nothing vital, consequently nothing natural wherein [is] life, nor any inanimate natural thing. - 1748, August 3.)

Experientiae Spirituales 2731 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2731. Exinde concludi potest, quod omnes cogitationes angelorum, et inde spirituum, a Solo Domino, existant et producantur, nam ab Uno, Qui in supremis est, existere illa debent, aliter nulla circumvolutio, nulla idea, nullus ordo earum, nulla forma, nulla lex, nec distinctio quoad genera et species, verbo nihil existeret vitale, proinde nihil naturale in quo vita, nec ullum naturale inanimatum. 1748, 3 Aug.

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