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《灵界经历》 第2741节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2741

2741. When these want to rule over others and play the leading role, putting them under themselves, having been accustomed to doing this in bodily life, in the other life many become associated with them, whereby they have a huge aura, and because they seem to themselves to be capable of anything on their own-this because of various tricks they think up or discover - they are therefore those male and female spirits that are counted among sorceresses (or truldoms styggelser 1).


1. Swedish for "witchcraft's abominations."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2741

2741. Since such [enticing spirits] desire to command others, and exercise punishments, and by various cunning to subordinate them to themselves, and are habituated to these [things] in the life of the body - many are associated with them in the other life; hence their sphere is a great [one], and inasmuch as they seem to themselves adequate of themselves to everything, yea by various arts which they devise and invent, therefore they are such male and female [qui et quae] as are reckoned amongst sorcerers [seu trulldoms stuggelser].

Experientiae Spirituales 2741 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2741. Quum tales imperare aliis cupiunt, et primas agere, ac variis astutiis eos sibi subordinare, et iis assuefactae sunt in vita corporis, in vita altera iis plures associantur, inde sphaera eorum magna, et quia sibi videntur ex se omnia posse, et quidem per varias artes, quas excogitant et inveniunt, ita tales sunt, qui et quae inter praestigiatrices recensentur (seu truldoms styggelser {a}) 1



1. The Manuscript has styggelser

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