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《灵界经历》 第2766节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2766

2766. Brute animals live in the order of nature, and after death, their souls cannot possibly live on

I spoke with spirits about the brute animals, and the fact that they live in the order of their nature, differently from the human being, who lives against order. That animals live according to order was proven to spirits with whom I spoke about the matter, simply by the chicks of hens and like animals, in that the young ones know their mother, follow her, let themselves be fed by her, go in under her wings, where they delight in living safely, and if there are many mothers with chicks all in one place, still the chicks are not confused, but know their own mother, the aura of some love joining them with their own mother. These along with numerous other particulars confirm that from their very birth they live in the order of their own nature, which commands them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2766


I spoke with spirits concerning brute animals, that they live in the order of their nature, otherwise than man, who lives contrary to order: That animals live according to order was hence confirmed in the presence of spirits, with whom I spoke concerning these [things], only from [by] the young ones of hens and the like, that the little chickens know their mother, follow her, suffer themselves to be fed by her, take shelter [intrant] under her wings, there delight to live in safety, and if [there were] many mothers with little chickens, yea in one place, still the little chickens are not confused, but know their own mother: so that the sphere of a sort of love conjoins them with their mother: This with innumerable other [facts] confirms, that they live from the first [earliest] nativity in the order of their nature, which order (directs) [dictat] them.

Experientiae Spirituales 2766 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2766. Quod animalia bruta in ordine naturae vivant, et quod post mortem animae eorum vivere nequaquam possint

Cum spiritibus loquutus sum de brutis animalibus, quod in ordine naturae eorum vivant, aliter ac homo, qui contra ordinem vivit: quod animalia vivant secundum ordinem, inde confirmabatur in praesentia spirituum, cum quibus de iis loquutus, solum a pullis gallinarum et similium, quod pulli sciant matrem suam, sequantur eam, patiantur se ali ab ea, sub alas ejus 1

intrant, ibi oblectantur tute vivere, et si plures matres cum pullis, et quidem in uno loco, usque pulli non confunduntur, sed sciunt matrem suam, sic ut sphaera amoris cujusdam conjungat eos cum matre sua, quae 2

praeter innumera alia, confirmant, quod a prima nativitate in ordine naturae suae, qui dictat eis, vivant: aliter

(2768.) 3

vero homo, mater et pater si sciant quod liberi eorum sint, vel si putent quod sint tametsi non sint, usque amant eos ut suos, sic ut nulla sphaera amoris, praeter quod putent ad se pertinere, eos conjungat, quam sphaera amoris sui et mundi; nec liberi agnoscunt parentes, nisi instructi, secus ac bruta animalia, quod manifestum indicium, quod vita hominis contra ordinem naturae sit, praeter alia innumera. Hoc agnoverunt etiam boni spiritus, quod verum.


1. The Manuscript has earum sed vide indicem ad Bestia

2. The Manuscript has quod

3. 2767 deest

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