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《灵界经历》 第2825节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2825

2825. being whirled around and a sphere being thus rotated. So when the veil had been shaped thus into that sphere, then another near him, farther away, takes hold of the spherical veil and revolves it in the opposite direction, so that it unwinds and thus diminishes. But this takes quite a while going from the periphery toward the central place where he is, and when it comes up to him, he falls downwards, and in fact into a black swamp, and there he remains until he is liberated thence by the Lord. The water is of such a filthy black color that it can hardly be described.

These falls occur very often, for in this way heaven is freed of falsities, but when they have been instructed in the world of spirits and thus bettered, they are taken back again. This happened toward the front at a distance, and many falls of other [angels] were also seen.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2825

2825. When the veil is thus formed into such a sphere then another near him, a little more remote [longius], snatches hence the sphere of the veil, revolves himself in a contrary direction so that that veil is unwound and so lessened, but is continued quite a long time from the circumference to the central place where he [is], and when he comes near him he falls downwards, yea into a lake, black [and] very filthy, and there remains until liberated thence by the Lord: the water is so filthily black that it can scarcely be described. Such falls frequently occur: for thus heaven is freed from falsities; but when they have been instructed in the world of spirits, and so [become] better, they are again received. This happened at a distance to the front, and many falls of others also [were] seen.

Experientiae Spirituales 2825 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2825. [vide 2824]

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