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《灵界经历》 第2853节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2853

2853. I have also observed that things that look vague to the eyes so that I did not know what they were, they would fantasize into such objects, as though they were filthy intestines, doing this with every least detail they do not see, because their fantasies cling to such things. So anything vague they make out to be such objects, until [the fantasies] are dispelled by sight, when they are clearly seen. 1748, the 16th day of Aug. 1


1. Possibly for "the 18th. . ."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2853

2853. I have also observed that in those things which appeared obscure to the eyes, so that I did not know what it was, [these spirits] could induce phantasies of similar things, [as] that they were loathsome intestines. Thus in each thing not seen by them, inasmuch as their phantasies inhere in such [filthy things], therefore [in things] which are obscure, [these spirits] make them out to be such [filthy things] before they are discriminated by the sight, when they are plainly seen. - 1748, August 16.

Experientiae Spirituales 2853 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2853. Observavi etiam quod in iis, quae apparebant oculis obscura, ut non scirem quid esset, quod inducerent phantasias similium, quod essent intestina tetra, sic in singulis quae non vident, quia phantasiae eorum in talibus haerent, sic quae obscura sunt, faciunt sicut talia essent, antequam discutiuntur per visum, dum manifeste videntur. 1748, d. 16 1



1. sic manuscript

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