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《灵界经历》 第2855节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2855

2855. The hell of those who act from premeditated deceit and had put on that nature

Spirits were also shown to me who had grown accustomed to deceiving people by painful trickery, putting on a sweet face and sweet talk, and harboring within venomous deceptions, hoping in this way to entrap people, destroy them and slit their throats - and placing in these tricks the enjoyment of their life. It was permitted them to come into sight and to devise their deceitful arts, which they did so slyly that the spirits of the inward world could not find them out. When they were just coming to the act, the inner world was suddenly closed, which I could feel deeply by the sudden silence-

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2855


(There were also shown to me spirits who are accustomed to deceive men by subtle [acute] deceit, by putting on an agreeable [suavem] face and speech, and hiding within [their] poisonous deceits: thus desiring to captivate, destroy and slay men, and placing therein the pleasantness of their life. These were permitted to come into view [conspectum] and to contrive [nectere] their deceitful arts), which was done with such cunning [subdole], that the spirits of the interior world could not have known it: When these cause to actually affecting [these arts], suddenly the interior world was closed, as I could perceive [persentire] by the sudden silence.

Experientiae Spirituales 2855 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2855. Eorum infernum, qui ex praemeditato dolo agunt, et induerant naturam talem

Ostensi mihi quoque sunt spiritus, qui acuto dolo decipere homines assueti sunt, faciem et loquelam suavem induendo, et intus venenatos dolos recondentes, sic captare homines, perdere et jugulare cupientes, et in iis jucunditatem vitae suae ponentes, iis permissum erat in conspectum venire, et dolosas suas artes nectere, quod ita subdole factum est, ut spiritus interioris mundi non potuissent scire; qui cum ad effectum venirent, claudebatur subito mundus interior, quod

(2856.) persentiscere potui per silentium subitum, ut dum in platea ambularem, turbae strepentes subito non audiuntur, quod indicium est quod sic clauditur mundus interiorum spirituum, hoc vocavi 1

silentium subitum: tunc versus anteriora erant longe a me, et loquuti mecum, et mihi dictum, ab aliis etiam insinuatum, quod tales essent, qui praemeditato dolos nectunt subtiles, et sic sub amico vultu decipiunt 2

: iis quoque permissum ea videre apud me, quae tetra fuerunt, quid cogitaverim spurce et talia, quae colligebant et videbant satis perspicaciter, nec quicquam boni, quia tale rejiciunt, nec capiunt, nisi sub amico vultu decipiendi causa.


1. In the Manuscript vocat in vocavi emendatum; in J.F.I. Tafel's edition vocatur

2. hic sequitur in the Manuscript, quod autem in J.F.I. Tafel's edition textui inseruit

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