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《灵界经历》 第2867节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2867

2867. About those who hold the principle of sharing everything

There are those who hold the principle of sharing everything, thus even wives, so they have mixed intercourse. They have been discussed previously, I believe [see 1976]. These are a very long way off, high up in front. They speak as if they were good, but they are wicked as well as deceitful, so their punishment also has to do with serpents, by which they are bound together as if in a bundle so that the serpent bound around them expands laterally and thus covers them all over like a bundled ball, and they are cast away. 1748, 20 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2867


There are those who hold to the principle of communion of all things, thus also of wives, therefore have miscellaneous intercourse, of whom, I think, [I have treated] previously. These are at a great distance, high up in front. They speak as if they were good, but they are wicked, as also deceitful: wherefore their punishment is also that of serpents [serpentina]: by which they are tied up as it were into a little bundle, and so the serpent is stretched winding around them from side to side [in latum], and draws over all, as it were, a ball, bundled up [confasciculatum] and they are cast out. - 1748, August 20.

Experientiae Spirituales 2867 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2867. De iis qui pro principio habent communionem omnium

Sunt qui pro principio habent omnium communionem, sic etiam uxorum, ita mixtim coeunt, de quibus ut reor prius [cf. 1976], ii longissime distant, antrorsum superne, loquuntur sicut essent boni, sed sunt maligni, ut et dolosi, quare etiam poena eorum est serpentina, a quibus colligantur quasi in fasciculum, et sic extenditur serpens circumligans in latum, et superinducit omnes sicut globum confasciculatum, et rejiciuntur. 1748, 20 Aug.

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