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《灵界经历》 第2881节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2881

2881. About Jews of very sound mind

There were also Jews with me imbued with their own opinion, saying of Christians that they speak so much of inward things, such as the heavenly Jerusalem, the heavenly David and Solomon, and the like, then laughing at Christians (not with such derision as others), thus not admitting [discussion] of what inward things are. These Jews were with me one of these days, but it was someone quite sound, for he let himself be taught, and perhaps during his life had thought something sound regarding the Messiah and had thought about the life after death. He seemed to have had a good life, or charity, in bodily life. Such in the other life can be led to heaven very easily.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2881


There were also with me Jews, imbued with their opinion, who said of Christians, that they speak so much of interiors, as of the heavenly Jerusalem, of David, and the heavenly Solomon, and the like: thus, just as during life, laughed (not with such derision as others) at Christians, therefore at what interiors [signify], not admitting [such a thing]. These Jews have been with me a day or two; but [one of them] was quite sensible [sanus], for he suffered himself to be informed, and perhaps during life had thought somewhat sensibly concerning the Messiah; and he seemed to have thought concerning the life after death: also to have [led] quite a good life, or to have possessed charity in the life of the body. Such can easily be led to heaven in the other life.

Experientiae Spirituales 2881 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2881. De Judaeis perquam sanis

Fuerunt Judaei quoque apud me, imbuti sua opinione, dicentes, de Christianis, quod loquantur tam multa de interioribus, sicut de Hierosolyma coelesti, de Davide et Salomone coelesti, et similia, ita sicut in vita irridentes (non cum irrisione quali alii) Christianos, sic quid interiora, non admittentes, ii Judaei apud me, uno alterove die fuit, sed fuit [quisque] admodum sanus, nam se informari passus est, et forte in vita sua cogitaverit anum quid de Messia, et quod cogitaverit de vita post mortem; vitam quoque satis bonam seu charitatem habuisse in vita corporis, videbatur: tales in altera vita facilius possunt duci ad coelum.

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