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《灵界经历》 第2905节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2905

2905. About truldom 1

There was a certain one who said that in the life of the body he had indeed harmed others through witchcraft or truldom, to the point of inflicting on them evil, pains, and the like, and who was practicing the same in the other life. He was told that the punishment of such people is one of retaliation. So hellish spirits drew him down to themselves and tormented him with the same practices. This was made known to me by his outcry and lamentations, saying with a bitter tone that he had sinned. 1748, 24 Aug.


1. Swedish for "witchcraft."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2905


A certain one, who said that he had also injured others by arts of sorcery or trulldom, during the life of the body, so that he inflicted on others, evil, pains and the like, and in the other life practices the like, was told that the punishment of such things is one of retaliation: wherefore evil spirits have dragged him away to themselves, and tormented him with similar [pains], which was given me to know by his outcry and lamentation; he said with a bitter voice that he has sinned. - 1748, August 24.

Experientiae Spirituales 2905 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2905. De truldom 1


Quidam, qui se dicebat in vita corporis, etiam nocuisse aliis per praestigiatrices 2

artes seu truldom, adeo ut aliis infligeret malum, dolores, et similia, in altera vita simile exercens, ei dicebatur, quod talium poena talionis est, quare spiritus infernales eum detraxerunt ad se, et similibus eum cruciabant, quod nosse mihi datum erat per clamorem ejus et lamentationes, dicendo acerba voce, quod peccaverit. 1748, 24 Aug.


1. In the Manuscript post truldom manu B. Chastanier additum est Praestigiis

2. sic manuscript

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