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《灵界经历》 第292节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 292

292. There is a diabolic gang who boast that they are the Messiah and perform miracles.

He with his gang, who was permitted to enter into me, in order to practice their arts more effectively also attempted to perform miracles in front of those who were with me in the other life, both acquaintances and unknown people not very long deceased, and others, and they really thought they were performing them even though they were only illusions. For they seemed to themselves to be let down into the depths of the earth, from where they were nevertheless able to speak with me, thus as though they were hidden or absent, which seemed miraculous, as if he could turn the universe around or upside-down, as such magicians imagine they can do.

This kept on for quite a long time, and when I was inquiring into his character, he replied that he was the Messiah, and indeed he thought he was, and was eager to aver it quite definitely, but I did not want to hear it.

Thus [the saying] of God the Messiah comes true, that those would come who would call themselves the Messiah, and would do miracles [Matt. 24:24]. 1747, the 3rd day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 292


He who was permitted to enter into me, that he might exercise his arts more efficaciously before those around me in the other life, both known and unknown, and before others not very long since dead - he, together with his crew, also endeavored to perform miracles, and likewise supposed that he did them, although they were mere phantasies. For that diabolic crew seemed to themselves to be let down into the depth of the earth, whence, nevertheless, they could speak with me, thus as if they were hidden or absent, which seemed to be a miracle, as if he could destroy or overturn the universe, as such magicians suppose [they can do]. This lasted for some time, and when I inquired of what quality he was, he replied that he was the Messiah, and indeed supposed himself to be the Messiah. He desired to affirm it very firmly, but I did not want to hear this. Wherefore this coincides with the truth of God Messiah, that there would come those who would call themselves the Messiah, and would perform miracles [Matthew xxiv 24. 1747, Dec. 3.

Experientiae Spirituales 292 (original Latin 1748-1764)

292. Quod diabolica turba sit, quae se jactent esse Messias miracula faciant

Ille cum sua turba, cui permissum erat in me intrare, ut eo efficacius suas artes exercerent, coram iis qui circum me in altera vita, notis et ignotis, non ita longe mortuis aliisque,miracula quoque facere tentabat, et se putabat quoque facere, tametsi merae phantasiae essent, nam ii videbantur sibi demitti in profunditatem terrae, unde tamen mecum loqui potuerunt, sic quasi abscondi seu abesse, quod videbatur miraculum, quasi pervertere seu invertere potuisset universum, quod similes magi putant; hoc satis diu perstabat, cumque inquirerem, qualis esset, respondebat, quod esset Messias, et putabat etiam [quod] esset, quod satis firme cupiebat affirmare, sed non volui hoc audire; quare veritas Dei Messiae coincidit, quod venturi sint, qui se Messias vocaturi, et facturi miracula [Matth. XXlV:[24]. 1747, die 3 Dec.

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