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《灵界经历》 第2931节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2931

2931. By that silly aura was portrayed what their spiritual part is like in their character. Afterwards I went to sleep, and when I woke up, their spiritual part was also being portrayed by them, foolishly, as a leafy cloud, which could not have had anything spiritual or understandable about it-based on their notion that a cloud cannot feel or perceive anything, thus that it is a mere earthly element such as beasts have. In short, their spiritual was earthly. So I was enabled to portray to them this truth: that we think spiritually, that there are spirits endowed with such intelligence - and yet they are portrayed as a cloud! How could they perceive [the spiritual] in that way, since this is a truth, and yet portray it in that way?

From [my] portrayal those earthly spirits were so upset and so moved that it cannot be described, begging me to cease with that portrayal, saying that it reduced them to a kind of anxiety and nothingness, which was a punishment. How heavy it had been for them, I realized from the way they complained. 1748, 26 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2931

2931. I could not come into any spiritual thought. By that foolish sphere was represented their spiritual [principle] as to its quality in their mind. Afterwards I fell asleep [veni in somnum], and when I awaked, their spiritual [principle] was also represented by them as a leafy cloud [foliosa nubes] also foolish, wherein there could have been nothing spiritual and intellectual. This [proceeded] from their apprehension that a cloud could feel and perceive nothing, so that [their spiritual principle] is a mere natural [principle] as with beasts: in a word, such [principle of theirs] was not a spiritual. Wherefore it was given to represent to them, that this is true that we think spiritually, that there are spirits, endowed with such understanding, and yet they are represented as clouds. How could they perceive it from that representation; when such is the truth, and yet this is the representation. These natural spirits are so amazed [perculsi] and so affected as cannot be described, seeking that I should desist from a representation: of such a sort, to wit, that they are reduced to a sort of uneasiness and annihilation [nothingness]: which was their punishment. I perceived how grievous it was to them, from their thus complaining. - 1748, August 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 2931 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2931. [vide 2930]

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