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《灵界经历》 第2940节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2940

2940. A conversation with some spirits about the holy spirit

Certain spirits far away from me, almost directly forwards with respect to the right temple, were indignant that it was said there is no holy spirit except the holiness that is from the Lord and appears in angels and good spirits. One said he wanted to show that there is a holy spirit, but when I was prompted to ask him whence came the sanctity of Aaron, of the altar, of the [sacrificial] victim, of the tabernacle, of Aaron's garments- which were so holy that if they only touched them they became holy-can holiness be predicated of them? To these words he made no reply.

Further, [I said,] that spirits and angels had been people on earth, in whom there is nothing but sin; whence is their holiness? To this also he was unable to reply. Then, [I added,] that fanatics and Quakers claim they are led by the holy spirit, and are convinced of it-is it therefore the holy spirit that convinces them of such things? Now I perceive that he wants to say that the holy spirit

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2940


Certain spirits far from me, in front, nearly opposite the right temple, were indignant at its being said that no holy spirit is given save holiness which [proceeds] from the Lord, and appears amongst angels and good spirits: he said that he wished to show that the holy spirit is given: but when it was granted to say to him, whence was the holiness of Aaron, the altar, victim, tabernacle, Aaron's garments, such that [if] they were but touched [by any] they became holy: whether holy can be predicated of these. To this there was no answer, further that spirits and angels have been men, in whom there was nothing but sin, whence came their holiness. To this also he could not reply: further that enthusiasts and Quakers say that they are led by the holy spirit, and are so persuaded: whether therefore do holy spirits persuade them of such things. I now perceive, that he wishes to say, that the holy spirit spoke through apostles and prophets.

Experientiae Spirituales 2940 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2940. Sermo cum quibusdam spiritibus de spiritu sancto

Quidam spiritus longinque a me antrorsum directe fere a tempore dextro, indignati quod dictum non dari spiritum sanctum, nisi sanctitas quae a Domino, et apparet apud angelos et bonos spiritus: dixit [unus] quod ostendere vellet dari spiritum sanctum, sed cum ei dicere {a} daretur, unde sanctitas Aharonis, altaris, victimae, tabernaculi, vestium Aharonis, usque adeo, ut [si] 1

modo tangerentur, fierent sancti, an sanctum praedicari queat de iis; ad haec non respondebatur; tum quod spiritus et angeli homines fuerint, in quibus nihil nisi peccatum, unde sanctitas eorum? ad haec etiam non responderi 2

potuit; tum, quod enthusiastae et Quakeriani dicant se a spiritu sancto duci, et sic persuaderi, num ideo sanctus spiritus, qui iis talia persuadent: nunc

(2941.) percipio, quod velit dicere, spiritum sanctum loquutum per apostolos et prophetas, sed respondere datum, cum spiritus loquitur, et nescit quid dicit, et non ex se, unde sanctum ejus, an se sanctum inde queat praedicare; a quo sanctum quod producit, num ex se vel ex Domino; dicit quod ex interiori coelo, sed cum fateantur angeli, quod nihil minus quam sancti sint, tum 3

[quod sint] spiritus, qui sunt Domini, unde procedunt ii, qui se sanctos venditant, cum ii qui procedunt a Domino, nusquam se sanctos dicant? addere dabatur, quod etiam spiritus loquuti in Verbo Veteris Testamenti passim se vocaverint Jehovah, tum quoque, quod Dominus loquutus de spiritu sancto sicut de multis aliis secundum apparentias hominum, qui nihil de interioribus noverunt, si aliter, nusquam aliquis credidisset, sicut iidem nec hodie sciunt quicquam quid interior homo est. 1748, 26 Aug.

m}Quaerebant, num ullus angelorum seu spirituum esset ab aeterno, respondere dabatur, quod nullus; sed quod Dominus ab aeterno: ita dicebant, quod non possent contradicere, quin angeli et spiritus omnes fuerunt homines, quare creati. n}


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has respondi

3. The Manuscript has sint; tum

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