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《灵界经历》 第2942节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2942

2942. Inward spirits have a keen perception, which was

[not?] communicated to me

I have been enabled to observe that spirits know whom they can use as mediums when they are plotting something. They sent them at once to me to be their watching guards [2930]. Then also I observed just now that they saw who was with me whom they wanted cunningly to separate from me, but whom I had not observed. Also, that spirits take many things out of my memory, when they are permitted, when I know nothing about it, and so to speak scan everything in my memory while I am awake, and while I am asleep. From this one may conclude that they do likewise from the memory of other people when they are unaware of it, when this is permitted. 1748, 26 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2942


It is granted to observe that spirits are aware whom they can use as objects, when they plot anything, whom they forthwith sent to me, that they might be their stationary [agents]: further I have now also observed, that they have perceived, who was with me, whom they wished cunningly to separate from me [one], nevertheless, when I have not noticed [observed] spirits [can] also when permitted take many things forth from my memory, while I know nothing thereof; thus while I am awake and while asleep as it were read things which are in my memory consequently many things unobserved by me - from which it may be inferred, that they when permitted can likewise [take forth] from other memories, and these not know it. - 1748, August 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 2942 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2942. Quod spiritus interiores subtilem perceptionem habeant, quae mihi [non] 1

communicata est

Observare datum est quod spiritus norunt, quibus pro objectis uti possint, quando aliquid moliuntur, quos illico ad me miserunt, ut essent eorum stationarii; tum quoque observavi nunc, quod perceperint quinam apud me esset, quem astute a me separare volebant, quem tamen non observavi; spiritus {a} etiam ex memoria mea, cum iis permittitur, depromere multa, dum nihil de eo scio, sic quasi legere ea quae in memoria dum vigil, et dum in somno; sic plura inobservata a me, ex quo concludi potest, quod similiter ex memoria aliorum hominum, dum ii non sciunt, dum permittitur. 1748, 26 Aug.


1. The Manuscript has subtilem ... quam quae, ubi deletio quam et insertio non omissae, ut videtur ex toto nexu

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