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《灵界经历》 第2955节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2955

2955. How the writings seem to be received by mankind

I spoke with spirits about how the writings concerning these matters, when they are published, seem to be received, for evil spirits had several times poured in [the persuasion] that no one would understand them, but that they would reject them. Speaking just now with spirits on the street, I was given to see that there are five kinds of reception.

First, there are those who entirely reject them, who are of a different conviction, and are enemies of the faith. These reject them, for the things written cannot be received by them because they cannot penetrate into their minds.

The second kind are those who receive them as knowledge, and who take pleasure in them as knowledge, and also as curiosities.

The third kind are those who take them up with the understanding, receiving them quite enthusiastically, but still remain as they were before in life.

The fourth kind receive them with conviction, so that they penetrate [and bring] improvement to their life. They recall them in certain states, and put them to use.

The fifth kind are they who receive them with joy, and are confirmed in them. 1748, 27 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2955


I spoke with spirits [as to] how my writings concerning these things seem to be received when they become public; for evil spirits sometimes infused that no one would perceive these things, but that [men] would reject them. Now while in the street and talking with spirits, it was given to perceive that there are five kinds of reception: First, [those] who wholly reject, who are in another persuasion, and who are enemies of the faith. These reject; for it cannot be received by them, since it [can] not penetrate their minds. Another class, who can receive these things as scientifics, and are delighted with them as scientifics, and as curious things. A third class, which receives, intellectually, so that they receive with sufficient alacrity, but still remain [in respect to] life as before. A fourth class [receives] persuasively, so that it penetrates to the improvement of their lives; they recur to these in certain states, and make use of them. A fifth class, who receive with joy, and are confirmed. - 1748, August 27.

Experientiae Spirituales 2955 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2955. Quomodo scripta videntur recipi ab hominibus

Loquutus cum spiritibus quomodo scripta de his, cum in publicum veniunt, recipi videantur, nam mali spiritus aliquoties infuderunt, quod nullus ea perciperet, sed rejicerent; nunc in platea cum spiritibus loquens, percipere dabatur, quod quinque genera receptionis sint, primum, qui prorsus rejiciunt, qui in alia persuasione sunt, et qui hostes fidei sunt, ii rejiciunt, nam ab iis recipi nequeunt 1

, quia in mentes eorum non penetrare [possunt]: alterum genus, qui recipiunt ea, ut scientifica, et [iis] ut scientificis, tum ut curiosis delectantur: tertium genus, qui intellectualiter recipiunt 2

, sic ut recipiant satis alacriter, sed usque manent vita sicut prius: quartum genus [qui] persuasive, quod {a} penetrent 3

ad vitae eorum emendationem, obveniant eis in quibusdam statibus, et faciunt usum; quintum genus qui recipiunt cum gaudio, et confirmantur. 1748, 27 Aug.


1. The Manuscript has nequit

2. The Manuscript has recipit; cf. indicem ad Scribere

3. The Manuscript has penetret; cf. indicem ad Scribere

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