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《灵界经历》 第2966节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2966

2966. Spirits do not speak from themselves

Spirits have very often become indignant when I was saying and thinking that they do not speak from themselves, but from others whose thoughts stream in and follow the inclination of the spirit [speaking] in his train of thought, so that they are conjoined. The same is the case with those whose thoughts are streaming in, so there are others who are doing likewise with them.

When I also several times spoke with them, saying that the same thing applied to them, they too became indignant or felt troubled. Thus there is a kind of chain of the thoughts of one into another that is begun by the Lord, through the heavens, so that there is a kind of uninterrupted mediation, or continuous inflow. 1748, 28 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2966


Spirits were very often indignant that I should say and think that they do not speak from themselves, but from others, whose thoughts inflow and follow his taste [genium] in series, so that the spirits are conjoined as to thoughts. It is similar with those whose thoughts inflow; wherefore there are others who act similarly with these. With whom I also spoke several times, saying that the matter is similar with them. These also, were indignant, or affected with vexation [molestia]. Thus there is a sort of chain [catenu] of one's thoughts into another, which sets out from the Lord through the heavens; so that there is a sort of continual mediation, or continual influx. - 1748, August 28.

Experientiae Spirituales 2966 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2966. Quod non loquantur spiritus a se

Indignati sunt perpluries spiritus, quod dicerem et quod cogitarem, eos non loqui ex se, sed ex aliis, quorum cogitata influunt, et sequuntur genium ejus {a} in serie, sic ut conjuncti sint, quoad cogitata; similiter se res habet cum eis, quorum cogitata influunt, quare alii sunt qui similiter cum iis agunt, cum quibus etiam [quum] aliquoties loquutus, dicens quod similiter se res habeat cum iis, ii quoque indignati vel molestia affecti, ita est catena quaedam cogitationum unius in alterum, quae orditur a Domino per coelos, sic ut sit continua quaedam mediatio, seu continuus influxus. 1748, 28 Aug.

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