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《灵界经历》 第2968节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 2968

2968. It is also to be noted that when he returned to his original or his own outward form, he was himself and exactly as he had been until he was turned into an inward spirit. He continues still to contrive his deceptions, even though he had been sorry in his inward form-in fact, even though he knew that the Lord had liberated him, which he said he could not believe, but that it was an angel, and he was still deeply moved that it was possible that one whom he hates and persecutes had nevertheless shown him kindness. 1748, 28 Aug.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 2968

2968. This should also be observed, that when he returned to his former, or exterior form, he was such a one, and completely similar to what he was when turned into the form of an interior spirit. He still continues to devise his deceits, although in the interior form he repented; yea, although he knew that the Lord liberated him; and said that he could not have believed but that he was an angel, and is still provoked [commoyus] that he should ever have done a kindness to him whom he hates and persecutes. - 1748, August 28.

Experientiae Spirituales 2968 (original Latin 1748-1764)

2968. Hoc quoque observandum, cum rediit in formam pristinam seu suam exteriorem, quod talis fuit et prorsus similis ac erat, dum in formam interioris spiritus versus: molitur usque dolos suos, continuando, tametsi poenituit eum in forma interiore, imo etiam tametsi nosset quod Dominus eum liberaverit, et dixerit, quod [hoc] non potuisset credere, sed quod angelus esset, et usque commotus, quod tale existere potuerit, quod [is] quem odit et persequitur, usque ei beneficium praestiterit. 1748, 28 Aug.

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